
Submit Your Event

We know that people listen to UCB Radio for positive and uplifting music, and we are very careful that our advertising lines up with our target listener's needs.

We promote events that are family-focused, accessible to our communities, and inline with UCB Media values and branding (e.g. type of music we play on our station)

If your event lines up with our criteria, then our audience will effectively connect with your event.

All event requests are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis before they are approved which takes approximately 4-6 weeks. Events less than 4-6 weeks from today may not get approved.

Do you have a budget for on-air promotion of your event?

Call us at 1-866-388-4488 or email sales@ucbmedia.ca


Select Start Date and Time
Select End Date and Time
Use Google address



Please submit a graphic for the event
Drag and drop files here or click to upload

    Notice: UCB Canada makes all final decisions regarding the placement of events on our website calendar. UCB Canada reserves the right to edit the submitted information for content or space purposes. UCB Canada also reserves the right to refuse any event deemed inappropriate or lacking general interest to our audience.
