How to have peace (3)
In order to find real peace, you must do two things: (1) Live by the principles of God’s Word. “Great peace have those who...
Read moreTo have peace you must focus on God’s presence. What you choose to focus on either fuels your fears or your faith. The Bible says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3 NIV). That verse could be reduced to one sentence: “Get your focus in order − look at me.” The psalmist says, “God is…an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 NIV). Later in that psalm, He reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God” (v. 10 NIV). These verses were written during the time of Hezekiah. Enemy armed forces had surrounded Jerusalem and the Israelites were tense, so they prayed this prayer! And five minutes before noon, God struck the Assyrians with a plague and 185,000 of them perished. Jerusalem was saved, and everyone was joyful. This psalm helps us remember that God is our refuge. No matter how overwhelming the odds seem, He is always with you to help. This psalm informs us of two things about receiving God’s help in times of trouble. The first thing is to “be still.” Many of our troubles come from our inability to sit still. The second thing is to “know that I am God.” Did you know that in the middle of a hurricane or tornado there is a quiet centre referred to as an eye? Likewise, though everything is blowing apart around you, you can have a quiet centre. Be still and know. When you live this way, “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds” (Philippians 4:7 NIV). When you think about it, it’s the only sane way to live!
The Word for You Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from Celebration Enterprises, Inc. Copyright © 2024
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