
Parenting Tips: The Beauty of Rest & Nurturing Young Souls in a Busy World

Family & Parenting
Monday August 12, 2024
UCB Radio Blogger
3 min read


For young children, rest is not just a physical necessity but a divine blessing—a chance for their bodies and souls to renew and grow. Our friends at Focus on the Family Canada magazine touches on this topic in their June/July 2024 issue. 

Are We keeping Our Kids Too Busy With Activities?

Allowing our children to rest instead of loading them up with activities is beneficial for their overall health. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where calendars overflow and screens beckon at every turn, one simple yet profound gift remains a cornerstone of our well-being: rest.

Rest as a Gift from God

The Bible tells us in Psalm 127:2 that “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” This verse beautifully reminds us that rest is not merely a human need but a loving gift from God. It’s a sacred pause, a time when we can let go of our daily worries and trust in His provision.

For young children, who are constantly exploring and learning, rest is particularly crucial. It’s during these moments of peaceful slumber that their little bodies repair, their brains process the day’s experiences, and their hearts prepare for tomorrow’s adventures.

“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” Psalm 127:2

Creating a Restful Environment

Creating a restful environment for children means more than just ensuring they have a cozy bed. It’s about fostering an atmosphere of tranquility and security. Consider the simple, yet powerful, rituals of bedtime that can transform the nightly routine into a cherished time of calm and connection.

Establish a Routine:

Consistency helps children feel secure. A predictable routine—such as reading a bedtime story or singing a soothing lullaby—can signal that it’s time to wind down. This routine doesn’t just help them fall asleep; it instills a sense of order and peace.

Embrace Quiet Time:

Encourage quiet activities in the evening. Gentle music, soft lighting, and calm conversations create a serene atmosphere that helps prepare young minds for rest. This slower evening pace allows time to grow as a family.

Incorporate Prayer:

A bedtime prayer can be a comforting ritual, helping children to feel loved and protected. It’s a moment to thank God for the day and to ask for His watchful care throughout the night. It also reinforces the notion that they are never alone, even as they drift off to sleep.

Plan For An Earlier Bedtime:

Are you finding that your children aren’t sharing as much with you as they used to? When allowing more time for the bedtime ritual we are giving it more importance in our lives. This is a special time to reconnect with children and let them have a platform to speak what’s on their minds and in their hearts.

“Children between the ages of 6 and 12 should get nine to 12 hours of sleep each night.”

(Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine)

The Spiritual Significance of Rest

Rest is more than physical; it’s spiritual. For young children, understanding rest as a part of God’s plan helps them appreciate its importance. It teaches them that rest is not just a break from activity but a time to rejuvenate and connect with the divine. When children wake refreshed, they are not only physically revitalized but spiritually nourished. They face each new day with renewed energy and enthusiasm, ready to explore the world with wonder and joy. By nurturing their need for rest, we are helping them to grow in both body and spirit.

In Conclusion

In a world that often values constant activity, the beauty of rest for young children shines as a gentle reminder of God’s love and wisdom. It’s a time for them to recharge, to dream, and to experience the peace that comes from trusting in His care. By embracing rest as a sacred gift, we support their growth and well-being. May we always cherish and protect these moments of rest, for in them lies a profound beauty and grace that nurtures both the body and the soul.





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